Recent Society Events

Spring Lecture and Buffet - 24th April 2024

Professor Andrew Curran CBE, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Health and Safety Executive, gave our spring lecture. Professor Curran is a member of SAGE and was awarded a CBE in 2023 for his services during the Covid pandemic.

Oxbridge Boat Race Social - Chatsworth - Saturday 30th March 2024

The Sheffield and Derbyshire Cambridge Societies joined forces to host a Boat Race event in the beautiful setting of Chatsworth Park in the Peak District.

The venue was the spectacular Cavendish Hall in the village of Edensor in the grounds of Chatsworth House.

After some pre-race technical stress with the projector, we had a great time watching the races, along with an Oxford contingent. Of course the event was all the better because of the Cambridge clean sweep!

Crucible theatre trip - Irving Berlin musical ‘White Christmas’ - 10th January 2024

About 50 members webt to see the classic Irving Berlin musical ‘White Christmas’ on Wednesday evening, 10th January 2024, at the Crucible. The show featured the songs Blue Skies, Sisters, and the festive favourite White Christmas. I was a good old-fashioned feel-good evening out, complete with a sociable buffet will be available in the Adelphi Room before the show and drinks and with dessert during the interval.

Christmas Lunch with Cambridge Society Derbyshire, 9th December 2023

We met up with the Cambridge Society of Derbyshire for a delicious christmas lunch at The Cavendish Club, Edensor. We had a speaker - a volunteer with the motorbike blood delivery service - who told us about the great work the volunteers do, delivering urgent blood supplies.

Wine & Cheese & AGM, 24 November 2023 7:30pm

Our AGM and Wine & Cheese evening was hosted the home of David and Rosemary Kirkman. The event was well attended, with a lovely selection of wine & cheese, followed by a very useful discussion about future events for the society.

Autumn Walks, followed by Lunch - Sat. 14th Oct 2023

As usual we had the option of a short walk or a longer walk, or just come along for lunch. The walks were around Rowsley, with lunch at The Grouse and Claret pub.

Summer Lunch - 6th July 2023

We had our summer lunch at The Omega restaurant in Sheffield again. Once more it was a great lunch and the usual interesting discussions took place.

Please email for details.

Spring Walks and Lunch, 11th June 2023

As usual our spring walk had a longer and a shorter option, and walkers and non-walkers joined us for lunch.

For the shorter walk, we met at the x, and for the longer walk, we walked about 45 miles from TGreat Longstone. The weather was perfect and it was lovely to catch up with each other.

After the walks we had a nice sociable lunch at The Crispin in Great Longstone.

Spring Lecture - Thursday 27th April 2023

Food Security - Managing Sustainability Tensions”, by Professor Emily Burton, Nottingham Trent University.

Following a very good and plentiful buffet, we were treated to a great tour of the ins and outs of poultry breeding. The lecture included slides showing the massive increase in the size of chickens over recent decades, and the discussion afterwards ranged from water pollution to designing chickens with no brains.

Crucible Theatre Visit - "Standing at the Sky's Edge" - Weds 18th January 2023, evening

On 18 January, 39 members of the Society and their guests attended a performance of the Richard Hawley musical "Standing at the Sky's Edge" at the Crucible theatre. We gathered in the Adelphi Room for an excellent buffet before taking our seats in the packed auditorium. The show, telling the story of families who had lived in Sheffield's Park Hill flats across the generations, had receved rave reviews and did not disappoint, with some really stand-out individual performances. We're looking forward to next year's musical!

Wine & Cheese & AGM, 25 November 2022 7:30pm

Our AGM and Wine & Cheese evening was hosted the home of Margaret and Norman Weston. The event was most convivial, with excellent wine & cheese, followed by a great discussion about future events for the society.

Lunch, following optional walks - 22rd October 2022

We had two walks, followed by a great lunch at the Bridge Inn in Ford, Ridgeway. The weather was really excellent and those on the long walk had a wander around outside St Peters and St Pauls church in Eckington, and also a look at Seldom Seen Engine House in Eckingotn woods.

Renishaw Hall Tour and lunch, 9th September 2022

A merry band of sixteen visited Renishaw Hall, just outside of Sheffield. We were given a guided tour of the Hall itself by a very well informed and enthusiastic guide, who took us through its various rooms - which are still in use - and who explained the provenance of many of the interesting features, the items of furniture, and the various paintings and sculptures there.

Following a lunch together in the cafe, a few of us we went on a tour of the garden, guided by the Head Gardener who had a droll sense of humour, a fund of anecdotes about the family and the garden, and an impressive knowledge of plants. Fortunately, the heavy downpours held off whilst we were there.

Jubilee Lunch, 6th July 2022

We had a lovely jubilee lunch at The Omega, celebrating 70 hears of our Queen's reign, with toasts and a celebratory cake as well.

Spring Walks and Lunch, 11th June 2022

As usual our spring walk had a longer and a shorter option, and walkers and non-walkers joined us for lunch.

For the shorter walk, we met at the Longshaw Cafe for coffee and chat, followed by a stroll around the estate, and for the longer walk, we walked from Shillito Wood carpark, across the moors, returning down the Bar Brook valley and past Ramsley Reservoir.

After the walks we had a nice sociable lunch at The Moorlands.

Spring Lecture and Buffet, 26th April 2022

Our annual lecture was at Whirlowbrook hall in early April, along with a buffet.

Many Middle Eastern problems stem from the Turkish defeat in WW1 and the division of the former Ottoman territories between Britain and France. The lecture will delve into the long term consequences of these historic events, and clearly there are strong similarities between those consequences, and what happened with both the creation, and failure of the USSR. The lecture will be followed by what promises to be a fascinating Q&A session.

The lecture was delivered by our very own Michael Waters MBE JP MA History Downing College Cambridge. HMOCS 1972 - 1998. WP, HK and FCO.

Crucible Theatre Visit - "She Loves Me" - Weds 12th January 2022, evening

On 12th January, 31 members went to see the Crucible musical 'She Loves Me' - unknown to most of us but enjoyed nonetheless, especially following the long gap after the cancellation of the previous year's show because of Covid. Despite having to wear masks, the audience entered into the spirit of the evening in response to the energy of the cast, and the Crucible's sets were a delight as usual. Twenty of us came early for a buffet before the show in the Adelphi Room, where the other members of the groups joined us for drinks in the interval. Altogether a cheering evening out.

AGM and Wine and Cheese Evening - Friday 26th November 2021, evening

This year our AGM was kindly hosted by David and Rosemary Kirkham, and over 20 members attended. The cheese and wine was excellent and the following AGM was a good discussion of upcoming events and ideas. The new Committee was elected, consisting of: Mike Waters - Chair, Andrew Coomer - Treasurer, Jez Kenyon - Secretary, and Barrie Jervis, Carol Rowe, Norman West, Stephanie Colver and Peter Veal.

Lunch, following optional walk - 23rd October 2021

We had two walks, followed by a great lunch at the White Lion in Great Longstone. The weather was kind and those on the long walk had a good stretch going up onto Longstone Edge.

Annual Lecture, followed by Buffet - 13th October 2021, 7pm

Our annual lecture 'How Sheffield became a cosmopolitan city' and buffet was held at Whirlowbrook Hall, Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield.

Our speaker was David Price. He is a former senior civil servant and has written two books on local history - 'Sheffield Troublemakers ' (about local radicals) and 'Welcome to Sheffield - A Migration History.' The latter reflects his interest in the position of asylum seekers and other migrants.

We had a fascinating tour through the history of immigration to Sheffield, and how it evolved over the decades. Then we had a great discussion, when the thorny problems of immigration and integration were discussed at length - with the conclusion that there are many complicated issues and we all need to do our bit.

Vineyard Tour, Wine Tasting and Buffet - 8 September 2021, 6pm to 8pm

We are going on a vineyard tour and wine tasting, with a light supper, at Whirlow Hall Farm Vineyard.

The vineyard is the only one in the city of Sheffield and has been established for 10 years. Following the excellent summer in 2018 there was a harvest of ~3000 kg of grapes, a mix of red and white. Some 3000 bottles of wine were produced covering red, white, rose, sparkling white and sparkling rose.

Summer Lunch - 12 August 2021, 12:30pm

Lunch at The Omega, Abbeydale Sports Club, Abbeydale Road South, Sheffield.

CANCELLED - Crucible Theatre visit - Standing at the Sky's Edge - 5th Jan. 2021

In hope that the Covid-19 situation will have eased by the new year, the Cambridge Society Sheffield have reserved 50 seats for an evening performance of Richard Hawley’s acclaimed musical ‘Standing at the Sky’s Edge’.

We have also booked the Adelphi Room for a buffet at 6 pm before the show. Vegetarian options will be available but please mention any other dietary requirements on your reply form and we will try to make a suitable arrangement. The buffet will include a soft drink or tea or coffee. Alcoholic drinks will be available to purchase at the bar.

CANCELLED - Younger Alumni meet-up / Freshers Event - 7pm, Thu. 10th Sep. 2020

Missing Cambridge? Want to reminisce? Wondering what has changed in Cambridge?

The Society is running a combined "Young Alumni get-together" and "Freshers Event" so our younger members can meet up, and so the new students can find out a bit more about life at Cambridge.

The event is open to recent alumni (matriculated 2000 onwards) and new students about to start at Cambridge.

The event is free and will run from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Sheffield Business School (Entrance off Arundel Gate). Afterwards we will move on to the nearby Red Lion pub.

To sign up for the event, please click here: Sign Up Form

Event details and map of the location.

CANCELLED - Spring Walks, followed by Lunch - 13th June 2020

As usual we will have the options of a short walk or a longer walk, or just come along for lunch.

Details tbd.

CANCELLED - Informal Meal - Prince of Wales pub - 20th May 2020, 7pm

We are meeting for an informal meal at the Prince of Wales pub, 95 Ecclesall Road, S11 9PH. Meeting at 6:30pm for a meal at 7pm

You can order on the night, but we want to know how many to book the tables for, so please email by 6th May to for more details and to confirm you want to go.

Pub details and menu:

Crucible Theatre visit - Guys and Dolls - 8th Jan. 2020

Our annual visit to the Crucible musical was attended this year by 49 members and their guests, most of whom gathered for a buffet before the performance, and, as usual the show did not disappoint. Guys and Dolls was first performed in 1950 and for some of us this was an evening of ‘yes, that’s how people used to think in those days’! It was a spirited performance - the choreography was great, the songs were well sung, the band, looking down from the set’s first-storey windows, skilfully set the mood, and the British cast’s New York accents were impressive. ‘Miss Adelaide’ especially was a class act. We look forward to next year.

AGM and Cheese & Wine - 6th Dec 2019, 8pm

This year Margaret and Norman West kindly hosted our AGM and Wine & Cheese Evening at their home in Whirlow, Sheffield.

We enjoyed a fine variety of cheeses and wine, followed by our AGM.

Sir Hugh Sykes, one of the founders of the society, stood down as President and was elected as a Lifetime Honorary Vice President.

David Kirhham, another of the founders of the society, was elected as our new President.

Autumn Walks, followed by Lunch - 19th Oct 2019

7 members and partners met at 10am in damp and misty conditions for the longer walk from Calver Sough up the river Derwent to Froggatt, and onto Froggatt edge. By this time the mist had lifted and so we progressed to Curbar Gap before returning through Curbar to the Derwentwater Arms for lunch. Jim led the shorter walk from Calver Bridge to Froggatt and back was undertaken by ten plus two young children. We were all then joined for lunch by a further six.

Younger Alumni meet-up / Freshers Event - 7pm, Thu. 12th Sep. 2019

We had an excellent evening with about 25 freshers, young alumni and a few others. After drinks and nibbles at the Sheffield Business School we moved on to the nearby Red Lion for yet more chat!

Summer Walks and Lunch - Saturday 15th June 2019

This year our walks started in Low Bradfield. The shorter one was a gentle stroll along the Reservoir and the longer one was a more challenging 5-6 miles around Agden Reservoir.

The walks were followed by a lovely lunch at The Plough, Low Bradfield in a private room.

After lunch our President, Sir Hugh Sykes, announced that the RedR charity, which he and Lady Sykes are keen supporters of, was having a visit from Princess Anne. Sir Hugh also very kindly paid the drinks bill for everyone, which was much appreciated!

Spring Lecture - 'Glass, Past Present and Future' - 2nd May. 2019

Professor John Parker spoke about 'Glass, Past, Present and Future'.

Professor Parker is an alumnus of Christ’s College, Cambridge and graduated with first class honours in Natural Sciences in 1967. Following a PhD in the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, he was appointed to a lectureship in the Department of Glass Technology at Sheffield University.

The Professor is now the curator of the Turner Museum of Glass, in Sheffield, and his talk covered the life of Professor Turner, a man of outstanding vision who was a major influence in turning glass production from an art into a science. This led onto the history of glassmaking going back into early history before narrowing down to the role played by South Yorkshire and what made Turner specialise on glass in a city built on steel.

The talk discussed how the past was influenced by the availability of raw materials and energy, uncovered the role of technological breakthroughs and examined how glass manufacture has been moulded by societal change and world wars.

Annual Dinner and talk - 'The North-South Divide at Cambridge' - 22nd Feb. 2019

This year our annual dinner was at Halifax Hall, a Victorian period mansion in Sheffield, formerly a Victorian steel baron's mansion and subsequently a University hall of residence, recently transformed into a hotel.

Our after-dinner speaker was Paul Coupar and he talked about the work of the Linacre Institute to help make Cambridge University more accessible to students from the North.

Informal Drinks - The Florentine - 7:30pm 28th Jan. 2019

We held an informal gathering at The Florentine, Tapton Park Road, Sheffield, S10 3FG.

7 of us met and had a convivial evening putting the world to rights.

Several of us tried out their food, including the fresh pizza from their pizza oven, which was very tasty.

Crucible Theatre visit - Kiss Me Kate - 9th Jan. 2019

47 members and guests went to see the lively and colourful production of ‘Kiss Me Kate’ at the Crucible – a classic Broadway musical, with plenty of great dance routines.

Before the show, most of us met for a buffet in the Crucible’s Adelphi Room, where the rest of the party joined the group for drinks in the interval.

AGM and Cheese & Wine - 30 Nov. 2018

The AGM this year took place at the home of Michael & Emma Waters, and was attended by 21 members and guests, a total of 33.

The wide selection of interesting cheeses and wines was most enjoyable, and our thanks to Michael & Emma for hosting.

Peter Veal and Kevan Scholes have both stood down from the committee and we extend to them our thanks for all their hard work over the years, to keep the society thriving.

Stephanie Colver has joined the committee, Andrew Coomer has moved into the Treasurer role, and Jeremy Kenyon has moved into the Secretary role.

Tony Banton, a member of the Alumni Advisory Board, had asked if he might talk a little about the role of the Board. This he did detailing the trajectory of his career from a Fresher from Sheffield to his living in Lille and membership of the Board. He explained some of its role and work.

The financial report and other details will be circulated to members by email.

Pub Meet - The Red Lion, Sheffield - Weds. 14 Nov. 2018, from 6:30pm

We met at the Red Lion for an enjoyable drink and a chat to put the world to rights. The B word was barely mentioned! Due to low attendance we also discussed moving the event to an alternative pub with easier car parking, for future.

Sheffield Theatres - behind the scenes tour - Saturday 3rd Nov. 2018

The Cambridge Society Sheffield had a visit to the Sheffield Theatres, consisting of a 2 hour tour of the Crucible, Crucible Studio and Lyceum theatres.

The tour included access behind the scenes, including the Wardrobe Department and coverage of the Crucible auditorium.

We had excellent guides for an extensive and informative tour. The buffet lunch was good quality which bodes well for the Kiss Me Kate pre-theatre meal.

We were told that the opening to the right of the group is called a vom from the Latin vomitorium, to spew forth ie the actors spew forth onto the stage. It is NOT a place for being sick...

Autumn Walks and Lunch - 13th Oct. 2018

Twelve members and guests assembled for the longer walk at the carpark adjacent to Redmires Reservoir in rather blustery conditions.

The planned route along Stanage Edge was abandoned for safety reasons. A lower level route was taken which went around the three Redmires reservoirs down Wyming Brook up Hollow Meadows Brook to return near the Head Stone and along the conduit. A distance of five and a half miles and the walk was enjoyed by all.

Three others met for coffee at Forge Dam café before a short walk up the Porter Valley.

Seven other members and guests met us all at The Three Merry Lads inn on Redmires Road for lunch.

Young Alumni meet-up / Welcome to Cambridge - 7pm, Thu. 13th Sep. 2018

This was our third young alumni meet-up and Cambridge Freshers' event.

After brief introductory comments from Andy Hogben the evening consisted of mingling and chatting which was the purpose of the event. Contacts were established between students from the same college and/or course.

Once again thanks are due to Sheffield Business School (at Sheffield Hallam University) for allowing us to hold the event in their spacious Deli area.

Hope Valley Breedon Cement Works Tour and Lunch - Thursday 12th Jul. 2018

About 20 of us enjoyed a fascinating vist to the largest cement works in the country. Our guided tour started with a presentation on how cement is made, which led to a fascinating Q&A session. Then we were taken by minibus around the quarry - an adventure in itself, with the steep narrow tracks. From the viewing points, the immenseness of the quarry is hilited by the apparent matchbox size of the enormous trucks.

We learnt about the coexistence of nature with the quarry. There are many different birds that inhabit the quarry, including peregrine falcons. The birds have even learnt to recognise the sirens warning of blasting (happens 2-3 times a week), so they briefly vacate the quarry, returning once the blast is over.

That was followed by a trip to the control room, where we could see live video of the internals of the kilns - so hot that they are basically making lava inside them. More Q&A followed, once again excellently fielded by the tour guides and control room staff.

A big thank you to the tour guides, and all the staff, for giving us a very memorable tour.

Following the visit, we had a delicious lunch at The Travellers Rest Country Inn at Brough, Bradwell.

The event was free, so we had a collection and raised £120 for Edale Mountain Rescue.

Pub Meet - The Red Lion - Weds. 13 Jun. 2018, from 6:30pm

A small group met for a convivial chat and a drink.

Spring Walks and Lunch - 9th June 2018

The summer walks of the Cambridge Society Sheffield was held on Saturday, 9 June 2018. We had our usual two walks - one longer and one shorter, followed by lunch at the Ashford Arms.

Lecture & Buffet - The Future of British Universities
Monday 23rd Apr. 2018, 7pm

Universities currently face a combination of uncomfortable issues ranging from student fees, value-for-money and insecure funding to wider concerns about free speech, senior pay and the impact of internationalisation/Brexit. There are also difficult questions about the purpose of universities - ranging from the betterment of individuals to being the engine behind a modern economy.

Comparisons were drawn between British universities and others across the world - the phenomenal expansion of Chinese tertiary education in particular. His parting thought was that, despite the concerns of some that universities might be drifting away from being forces for public good, 'going to university' remained right at the top of parents' wish lists for their newly born children.

These were some of the topics that were discussed at our annual guest lecture with 40 members and guests by Professor Chris Husbands. Chris has been Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University since 2016 and is an alumnus of Emmanuel College Cambridge.

Annual Dinner and Speaker - Friday 23rd Feb. 2018

This year the Cambridge Society of Sheffield's Annual Dinner was held, as last year, at Whirlowbrook Hall. Thirty-seven members attended the event, which began with drinks in the reception room after which we proceeded to dinner.

Our after dinner speaker was Professor Mandler, born in the USA, educated at Oxford and Harvard, and teaching in Cambridge since 2001. His topic was 'Not the Age of STEM: What Students' Subject Choices Tell Us About British Education since 1945'. This was not the dry talk many had feared, and Professor Mandler described how the number of students taking STEM subjects had in fact decreased since 1945, and only recently was showing an upturn. He also suggested that (except for vocational courses) subjects taken at A-level were not a direct determinant of degrees taken, nor greatly affected careers chosen, and therefore the skills of the workforce, since many degrees do not have A-level equivalents, and most employers trained their staff anyway. The important aspects of A-levels are the thinking skills they develop.

Pub Meet - The Red Lion - Weds. 31 Jan. 2018, from 6pm

We have recently had a lot of new members join us, so as well as our usual array of events, we have decided to hold regular pub meets.

About a dozen came along and conversations ranged from the statistical validity of medical research papers to education policy, from local history to African politics, from Arabic to Mandarin.

Crucible Theatre Visit - 'The Wizard of Oz' - Thursday 11th Jan. 2018, 6pm

We went to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!

We met for nibbles in the Adelphi room before an amazing performance.

The Wizard of Oz is the musical by L Frank Baum, with music and lyrics by Harold Arlen and EY Harburg with background music by Herbert Stothart.

After the performance there was be a 'Talkback' session with members of the cast and production team.

AGM and Cheese & Wine - 8pm Friday 24th Nov. 2017

The Annual Report and AGM Report are below.

        Annual Review 2017

        AGM 2017 Report

Sheffield Cathedral Historical Tour - Wednesday 18th Oct. 2017, 11am

Also in October, the Society went on a guided tour of Sheffield Cathedral, including the Shrewsbury Chapel, tombs and other 16th century historical aspects. The visit was a fascinating historical tour organised by our former Society Secretary who is also a leading light in the lay organisation and a renowned Sheffield Cathedral historian.

Autumn Walks and Lunch - Saturday 7th Oct. 2017

The weather was kind to us all. The longer walk, from the Gate Inn near Linacre reservoirs was the starting point for the party of eight. The route was through varied countryside and we circumnavigated the reservoirs.

A party of thirteen met at Nona's coffee shop at the Hollingwood Hub near Chesterfield before walking part of the towpath of the towpath of the Chesterfield canal.

We all then repaired to the Gate Inn for lunch where we were joined by our president and his wife. Special thanks must go to Geoff Wilkinson who has led the shorter walks for many years and is now standing down to become a "meals only" walker.

Young Alumni meet-up / Welcome to Cambridge - 7pm, Thu. 14th Sep. 2017

This was the second time that Sheffield has hosted a Cambridge Freshers' event - (previously named 'Welcome to Cambridge'). Building on last year's experience we saw a big growth in attendee numbers to 22 Freshers and 14 Alumni, current students and guests.

After brief introductory comments from Kevan Scholes and Andy Hogben the evening consisted of mingling and chatting which was the purpose of the event. Contacts were established between students from the same college and/or course. Particularly noteworthy this year was the huddle of 5 Mathematicians and a Computer Scientist!

Once again thanks are due to Sheffield Business School (at Sheffield Hallam University) for allowing us to hold the event in their spacious Deli area.

As with last year's group we plan to keep in contact with the students through their 1st year at Cambridge and follow last year's cohort into their 2nd year.

Haddon Hall tour - Weds. 19th July 2017

Fourteen members and guests of the Society visited Haddon Hall in Derbyshire - described by Simon Jenkins in "1000 Best Houses" as "the most perfect house to survive from the middle ages".

We had an entertaining and informative guided tour of this magnificent fortified medieval manor house. After lunch there was a further opportunity to explore the house and stroll in the beautiful terraced gardens which descend down to the river Wye.

Spring Walks and Lunch - 10th June 2017

In the only dry interlude of the day 15 members and guests enjoyed the 5 mile walk in upper Lathkill Dale As well as the stunning scenery of the valley we were lucky to see the rare wild flower Jacob's Ladder in full bloom. The return route was via the old miners' track back onto the limestone plateau enjoying extensive views of the countryside.

We were then joined by four more members for an excellent lunch at the Bull's Head in Monyash.

Biometrics Talk and Buffet - Whirlowbrook Hall - Thurs. 16 March 2017, 7pm

Biometrics - the end of Privacy and Dissent?

The collapse of the USSR, electric cars, big data, David Blunkett's ID cards, fake news, terrorism, identity, immigration, photo ID, sociometrics, Donald Trump - after a relaxing buffet at Whirlowbrook Hall these were some of the issues discussed with 33 members and guests by Professor Paul Wiles, the Biometrics Commissioner, alumnus of Trinity Hall, former Professor at the University Sheffield and resident of Eyam!

Paul laid down the challenge of seeing technical developments, such as new biometrics, in the wider context of the social and political changes faced by citizens. He urged us all - and especially politicians - to encourage a much more public debate about the kind of society we want to live in. In particular the balance between public and private (personal) interests we would like to create for the future. Only then can we decide how to use and constrain the use of biometric data.

Annual Dinner - Whirlowbrook Hall - Friday 24th Feb. 2017, 7pm

This year the Cambridge Society of Sheffield's Annual Dinner was held, as last year, at Whirlowbrook Hall. Thirty-one members attended the event, which began with drinks in the reception room after which we proceeded to dinner.

After a good dinner, Professor John Parker, director of the Cambridge Botanical Gardens from 1996 to 2010, gave us an most interesting talk on the origins and history of the gardens, and their place in the development of gardens internationally, including aspects of their design and horticulture, and his interest in the ideas of its founder, Professor John Henslow.

It was a most stimulating talk evidencing Professors Parker's passion for his subject, and motivated many of us to revisit the gardens next time we find ourselves in Cambridge.

Annie Get Your Gun - theatre trip - Wed. 4th Jan. 2017

Forty members and friends of the Society visited the Crucible Theatre to see Irving Berlin's sensational musical 'Annie Get Your Gun'.

We were pleased to be joined by several members of our sister Society in Derbyshire. Prior to the show a drinks reception was held in the Adelphi Room.

The show was a light hearted extravaganza with a stand out performance by Anna-Jane Casey as Annie. She was a small bundle of energy and fun, not to mention having a wonderful singing voice.

For January next year the Society will be organising a visit to see 'The Wizard of Oz'. Please look out for the calling notice in June.

AGM and Wine & Cheese Evening - Fri. 25th Nov. 2016

This was our annual Cheese & Wine Party, and included the Society's AGM during the evening.

        Annual Review 2016.

Walks and lunch at the Wortley Arms - Sat. 17th Sep. 2016

On an excellent day for walking, we were joined by about 30 members for two morning walks around Wortley - an easy one and one slightly longer.

We are not sure if anyone felt the world lurch - but there was considerable discussion trying to put it right...

After the walks we met up with the non-walkers for a delicious lunch at the Wortley Arms.

Young Alumni meet-up / Welcome to Cambridge - 7pm, Thu. 15th Sep. 2016

The Society ran our first "Welcome to Cambridge" event, combined with a "Young Alumni get-together", so our younger members could meet up, and the new students find out a bit more about life at Cambridge.

On a hot late summer evening 14 new students from the Sheffield region met at Sheffield Business School with a small number of our younger alumni and three committee members and Cambridge Schools Liason Officer Emma Smith. The aim was to meet each other and swap stories and tips. Some parents also attended.

After brief introductory comments from Kevan Scholes and Jeremy Kenyon the mingling began! There was lots of chat about Cambridge and hopefully the start of new friendships, which was the purpose of the event. We plan to keep in contact with the students through their first year at Cambridge.

Health & Safety Laboratories Visit - near Buxton - Fri. 15th July 2016

The Health and Safety Laboratory is one of the premier science laboratories in the world dealing with the risks of accidents and ill-health in the workplace. With a multi-disciplinary staff of ~400 its purpose is to provide HSE and other organisations with expertise in accident investigation, scientific research and training.

We had a fascinating tour of the extensive labs and facilities, with excellent presentations from the staff.

We visited the biological laboratory, where we learnt about how the HSL had been involved in the Ebola crisis. We met Vomiting Larry - a dummy designed to simulate projectile vomiting - used to research how large an area needs cleaning, e.g. after a Norovirus vomiting episode (3m is the range).

The breadth of the work the HSL do is impressive, covering everything from major accident investigation to noise pollution and vibration damage to nuclear protection suits.

Selwyn Choir in the Sheffield area - Fri 17th- Sun 19th June 2016

Don't miss this opportunity to hear one of the most exciting and well-known Cambridge Chapel Choirs performing in and around Sheffield.

(Please note this is not a Society organised event)

"...superb performances by the Chapel Choir of Selwyn College, Cambridge under Sarah MacDonald's incisive direction. The performances combine passion with ability" (Music Web International)"

Walks and lunch - Sat. 11th June 2016

After a misty start 20 members and guests enjoyed the longer walk of 5.5 miles, through the beautiful grounds of the Chatsworth Estate - with atmospheric views of the house. From Baslow the route followed tracks to Edensor, a stiff climb and gentle descent to Calton Lees, and finally a lovely stroll back above the river.

The shorter walk of 2.5 miles was a real family affair with 15 members and guests including 7 children. The walk followed flat paths by the River Derwent from Calver.

The walks were followed by lunch at the Wheatsheaf Hotel, Baslow.

Middle East talk and Buffet - Tapton Hall - Mon. 11th Apr. 2016, 7:00pm

"Meltdown in the Middle East. What happens now?"

A talk by Michael Binyon - one of Britain's best-respected foreign correspondents.

Michael has notably served as Moscow correspondent for The Times, and has also reported from across the Middle East. He was awarded the OBE in 2000 for services to international journalism and has won two British Press Awards for his reporting from Moscow.

Michael studied English and then Arabic at Magdalene, Cambridge.

Following a buffet meal, Michael gave an excellent talk on the Middle East to a packed audience. His long experience in reporting the area - which includes reporting from war zones and interviewing key people of the region and the West - enabled him to give a fluent and personal account of the situation, and of the motivation and positions taken by the many players, both of the region and those seeking to influence it.

He delivered his talk without notes, without visuals, and with great clarity and wit. There were many questions, further developing the various issues.

Annual Dinner - Fri. 26th Feb 2016, 7:30pm

The Annual Dinner of the Cambridge Society Sheffield was be held at Whirlowbrook Hall.

Our guest speaker was Dr Tony Raven, a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and a Member of the Institute of Directors.

Dr Raven joined Cambridge Enterprise as Chief Executive in December 2011. Previously he was Director of Research & Innovation Services at the University of Southampton, where he helped establish Southampton's international reputation as a leading entrepreneurial university, creating a portfolio of 11 spin-out companies with four listings on the London Stock Exchange.

Dr Raven talked about Commercialisation at Cambridge and the work of Cambridge Enterprise.

Crucible Theatre visit - Show Boat - Weds. 13th Jan 2016

'Show Boat' - at the Crucible Theatre. Set against the backdrop of America's Deep South at the turn of the 20th Century, Show Boat is a powerful story of love, loyalty and freedom.

This lavish new production, directed by Daniel Evans, features soaring melodies including Ol' Man River and Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man.' Music by Jerome Kern, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II.

We were swept away by one of the most romantic musicals of all time.

As usual, we had an excellent private reception beforehand, in the Adelphi Room, for drinks and nibbles.

AGM and Wine & Cheese Evening - Fri. 27th Nov 2015

This year's Cheese and Wine Evening and AGM was held at the home of Peter & Gillian Lee. Report of the AGM, and our annual report, are below.

        AGM Report.

        Annual Report.

Walks and lunch - Sat. 10th October 2015

We held two walks - a longer one of about 5 miles and a shorter one of about 3 miles.

We were blessed with fine weather for the walks. The lunch at The Old Horns Inn was almost overwhelming due to the size of the portions of excellent food.

Brookfield Manor Visit and Garden Party - Sun. 19th July 2015

A tour of Brookfield Manor - the home of Sir Hugh and Lady Sykes.

Some 30 members of the Society had the pleasure of visiting Brookfield Manor in Hathersage, at the kind invitation of our president Hugh Sykes and his wife Ruby. A reception was held in the manor house followed by an excellent lunch in the beautiful pavilion. Afterwards members were able to stroll around the gardens in what must be one of the finest settings in Derbyshire.

It was particularly pleasing to see a number of new members attending, including some recent graduates.

The event raised funds for St Luke's Hospice, Sheffield and the Pyongang University of Science and Technology UK Scholarship Fund which supports North Korean students studying in the UK.

Our special thanks go to Hugh and Ruby for arranging such an interesting and enjoyable event for members.

Brookfield Manor was fictionalised as 'Vale Hall' in the book 'Jane Eyre' written by Charlotte Bronte and inspired by her visit in 1845 when staying with Ellen Nussey in Hathersage, which becomes 'Morton' in the book.

Walks and lunch in the Peak District - Sat. 6th June 2015

On a bright and breezy summer day 19 members and guests joined the longer (6 miles) walk led by Cathy McNee (nee Scholes).

Starting at Hassop Station Cafe on the Monsal Trail the walk passed through Little Longstone before halting to admire the view from Monsal Head. Descending through the fields to Ashford we were fortunate to see three Well Dressings (see the photograph). The walk finished via Churchdale Hall and the Monsal Trail. Geoff Wilkinson led 12 members and guests on the 3 mile shorter walk along the Monsal Trail.

After the walk Hassop Station Cafe served a splendid lunch for us in their function room. The next walk will be on Saturday 10 October 2015 when Andrew Coomer will be walk leader.

Thornbridge Brewery Tour - 13th May 2015

The visit was very informative - starting with a free beer before a tour of the brewery. The heady smell of hops, mixed with hi-tech control systems and a science lab for testing the beer made for an excellent tour. We ended up in the barrel room (see photo) where Thornbridge are developing some new beers that are casked for up to 18 months.

Beforehand we met at Lathkil Hotel in Over Haddon for lunch, where several new members joined us.

North Korea talk - 7pm, Tapton Hall, 24th March 2015

"From the inside out: my time teaching in Pyongyang"

A talk by Colin McCulloch - Professor of Management and Director of International Relations, Pyongyang University of Science and Technology.

A group of 35 members met at Tapton Hall to hear a fascinating talk about Colin McCulloch's ongoing involvement as a foreign faculty member at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST) in 'North Korea'. He has worked there since the foundation of PUST in 2010.

The event started with drinks and a substantial buffet prepared by Tapton Hall. Colin then gave a presentation for about 40 minutes. The level of interest provoked can be judged by the lively discussion that followed which lasted 50 minutes and was set to go on into the night! The event closed just before 10pm.

It was pleasing to see a good number of members attending their first event with The Society.

Annual Dinner - 27th Feb 2015

The Annual Dinner of the Cambridge Society Sheffield was held at Whirlowbrook Hall.

The guest speaker was Duncan Robinson, CBE, FSA, DL, former Master and now Fellow of Magdalene College and a former Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University. He is also the Chairman of the Henry Moore Foundation and was, until 2007, the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum.

The title of his talk was 'Art, Science and Industry in Eighteenth-century England'.

Crucible Theatre visit - 14th Jan 2015

The society went to see 'Anything Goes' - a light hearted musical comedy by Cole Porter.

We had a private reception beforehand, in the Adelphi Room, for drinks and nibbles - an excellent opportunity to catch up with what our members have been up to.

AGM and Wine & Cheese Evening - 28th Nov 2014

The wine and cheese evening was very successful and an excellent spread was laid on by Peter & Caroline Veal.

At the AGM the first lady was elected to the committee.

We have set a goal of recruiting more younger members in 2015.

Autumn Walks and meal in the Peak District - 18th Oct 2014

Weather conditions were good and 22 members and guests joined the longer walk led by Kevan Scholes in the Hope Valley. This 5 mile walk passed through Hope, Brough, Shatton, Thornhill and back to Hope.

6 members and guests joined Geoff Wilkinson on the 2 mile shorter walk around Ladybower reservoir. The group also included the youngest ever CamSoc guest - 7 week old Zac Morris.

5 other members/guests joined the group for lunch at The Old Hall Hotel in Hope making a lunch group of 33.

Several new members joined the walks and meal and great conversation was had by all.

Great Longstone Walk - June 2014

The Summer walk in June consisted of a 5-6 mile walk around Great Longstone led by Andrew Coomer, or an alternative 1-2 mile walk along the Monsal Trail led by Geoff Wilkinson.

Lunch was at the White Lion, Great Longstone, which produced some excellent food. The walk was very pleasant, even though the weather was overcast with a little drizzle. Fourteen people came altogether.

Wentworth Woodhouse visit - May 2014

The group visited Wentworth Woodhouse, a Grade 1 listed country house near the village of Wentworth, one of the largest privately owned in Europe, a visit organised by Andrew Coomer.

The party consisted of 29, and were given a 2 and a half hour guided tour around some of the rooms and private gardens, and the original West Front 'Baroque-style' House at the rear.

Annual Dinner - 28th Feb 2014

The Annual Dinner of the Cambridge Society Sheffield was held at Whirlow Grange and was attended by 47 members.

The Guest Speaker was Dr Rosalyn Wade of the Department of Zoology of the University of Cambridge and outreach Officer of the University Cambridge.

Dr Wade gave a very interesting talk about the changes in the classification of species and the role of Cambridge University in this - an extension of the great 19th Century debate initiated by Darwin.

Claire Baxter of CARO was also a guest.